
Friday, 2 March 2018

Photo diary

In class we made some bread this is a collage of me and my friends making bread.


  1. i really love this photo diary because you riminded us of when we made bread with ow class.

  2. I would really like it if yous added some maori to your photo diary with more discription

  3. Hi my name is Shadae I really like the way you created this photo diary I like this post because it reminds me how our class made our done a great job making your own bread next time i like to see a video of you's doing it.

  4. HI my name is shania and i like hew you mad that vireos it rey mins of mekeing slime i really cool.

  5. HI my name is shania. and i really love hew you mad that caking that bred it riemis me abawt slime by.

  6. HI MY NAME IS SHANIAD and I'M A fan off yous i hop yous can make slime I really love SLIME I MAKE IT AND I'm 9 yers old and me and my frend loves your vireoys and i like haw you got moor peppll
