
Friday, 28 July 2017

Dangerous Plants

; Our topic is land sea and sky we had to learn about a plant or two. I did it with my friends Isla and Reagan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, My name is Analei and I am a year 8 student at St. Pius X. I was pleases by your slide show and you had some interesting facts on it that I didn’t know like how the White Snakeroot killed Abraham Lincoln’s Mother? Who knew? Well I hope you continue to post more and more.

    Keep it up!

  3. Hi Ava,
    I am a Year 8 Student from Saint Pius X Catholic School. I liked how you explained it through a slideshow. I don’t even know about these plants till now. Keep up the excellent work!

    Here is my blog if you wish to visit it

  4. Hi Ava
    My name is Motu, I am a year 8 student who attends St Pius X. Amazing Slide show, I found some of your facts interesting like the Water Hemlock. I didn’t know it is one of the most toxic and poisonous plants in North America?. Keep it up.

